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The following journals are the documents of the projects Alice Liu made through 2022 to 2023 in her M.A. Fashion Design Technology in Manchester Metropolitan University. Following the collections in her Bachelor practices, the topics of her postgraduate works are mostly focusing on culture, femininity and memories, applying by sustainable and ethical methods. With deeper researches, more fabric manipulation and pattern experiment with human body, Liu brings her practice into a higher level, and rethink about the meaning of fashion and design.

Negotiated Project

thy name is WOman

"To be or not to be... that is the question."

Women are objects in men's world, just like Ophelia,
just a small character that only exist to foil the man: Hamlet.

In the patriarchy world, women are born to be told

to be a female, be a daughter, a wife, a mother;

and not to be dishonest,
not to be unfaithful,

not to be deflorated,

not to be free,
not to be a human.

DSC_5023 拷貝 2.JPG

Contestested Territories

ORPhan of ASiA

With our roots of Indigenous tribes, ancient Chinese culture,

Japanese education and our own culture that developed on the island,

Taiwan is a place full of different mixture of cultures.
Yet, politically we are like an orphan on the edge of Asia,
left on the Pacific Ocean,
never had enough time to developed

identity before we were abandoned, once again.

This project is about the memory pieces of Taiwan,

of every inch of the land,
of every ocean tides,

of every single soul on this island.

Taiwan belongs to Taiwanese.

Design for Impact

No UteRUS 
    No OPinionS

As women, we are all challenged by

the society of men controlling our body autonomy.

As women, we are emotionally, physically

connected to our feminine organs.  

As women, we are not allow to speak

for our feminine organs.  

As women, we are living in the shadow

society trying to put above us.

As women, this time we say

“No Uterus, No Opinions”


Fashion Bodies

faShiOn, BOdieS
       & PROteCtiOn

The definition of fashion garments from the very beginning is

items that protect human from the environment

rather than beauty or wealthy symbols.

To explore the relationship between fashion and bodies,

We will go through how fashion garments from the past,
at the moment
and in the future
protects us, physically and psycologically.

Sustainable Solutions



came from the latin origin "Femininus",

which includes the meaning of "she who suckles".

Female bodies are tender, strong and beautiful in different sizes, shapes and colours.

They breed generations and generations just like how the wide ocean bred us in her every tide.

Embrace all kinds of bodies as the ocean held us in,

to know that after all, we are all the same kind,




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